Tuesday, June 9, 2009

woodstock -> icefaces migration

combos problem - getting HTTP 500
with icefaces 1.8 get - java.util.NoSuchElementException: javax.faces.component.selectItemIterator.next

1) parameter com.icesoft.faces.standardRequestScope to be set to true (in web.xml)
when com.sun.sql.rowset.CachedRowSetXImpl is used for combo elements
2) use javax.faces.model.SelectItem[] for combo elements

mysql dump import

1) create db
mysql –u –p
will prompt for password, e.g. mysql –u root –p
create database <database> ;
e.g. create database sprit;
2) actuall db restore:
use mysql not msimport - the latter expects database structure to exist already
mysql –u –p <database> < <file>
will prompt for password
def. user - root
e.g. mysql –u –p <sprit> < <sprit.dmp>
3) to execute SQL commands from mysql console first execute
use <database> ; e.g. use sprit;